Wiseguy Attitude Edition #08

Edition #8

Wiseguy Attitude

Name: Nick Crawford

Instagram: @nac_endeavors


Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a simple, God fearing, lighthearted guy with an affinity for anything original, creative, and adventurous. I grew up in Southern Oregon with a love for mountains, wilderness, adventurous days outside and cozy nights inside. I moved to Washington State to be with my amazing wife and we’ve been living on love and dreams ever since.

Do you have a personal philosophy that you live by?
Mind your business, pursue your dreams, and lead with grace… you never know when it’ll be your turn to need it.

It seems like you lead an active lifestyle and take good care of yourself and your body. How do you keep this up, and why is this important to you?
Thank you! I’m certainly not as healthy as I probably should be, but it is something I make a conscious effort towards. My biggest motivator is staying adventure ready, I never want to be too unhealthy or lack the confidence to do the things I love. There’s a lot of things I’ve yet to do as well, so I want to live long enough and be capable enough to see them happen.

What activities would an ideal day include for you?
An ideal day would start with an adventurous morning/afternoon in the hills with my babe, capturing content… maybe watch the sunset while we enjoy a couple cigars and talk about our dreams. We’d grab take out on the way home, which I’d enjoy with some IPA from the PNW or just a Guinness stout. We’d wrap up the day with a cozy night in, either gaming or trying to catch up on all the shows we’ve missed.


What does the behind the scenes of your content making look like? And how do you combine this with your daily life?
I use the spare bedroom in our apartment as my “studio”. When we can’t make it into the hills that’s where you’ll find me filming, usually surrounded by the scent of cigar smoke and whatever beer I’m drinking while I create. I work as a warehouse manager as my day job and finding the time and energy to create is often my biggest struggle. That being said, creating is the thing that keeps me going, so I love putting that effort in.

You have a pretty distinct personal style with how you make your content. What inspired your content making style?
I’ve never been one to adhere to whatever is popular or normal, and my content probably shows that. I love rugged, gritty, texture heavy shots that show the rough details others want to cover up. I believe imperfections are what give something character and make it interesting and beautiful, I bring that mindset to my content whenever I create.

Are there specific tropes, characters, or people that you draw the most inspiration from?
I’m always drawn to people and characters with original ideas… dreams, and the confidence to unapologetically be who they are.

If something you made or something you’ve been working on didn’t work out, how do you motivate yourself to keep going? How do you accept your possible ‘failures’?
The only people who never fail are the ones that never try. I see every failure, everything that goes wrong, every accident as a learning, growing and evolving experience. Our failures are what temper us for success, it’s all part of the process.

Part of your content is focused on your love for small businesses and new start-up companies. What makes small businesses and start up companies so special to you?
The amount of effort, creativity, drive and fortitude it takes to start a small business is absolutely wild. I have nothing but respect and admiration for anyone willing to take that risk, and I think they deserve to be shown to the world.


How would you describe your style and what made you start dressing this way? How has your style developed over the years?
My style is adapted from everything I’ve been influenced by in my life. I grew up a hard working country kid influenced by western style, adventurous utility, and a little bit of nerdiness when I was stuck at home. As I grow older I’ve grown into the confidence to dress however the hell I feel, rather than feeling any need to fit in. That’s given me more confidence than any attempt at blending in ever did.

Do you have any style idols?
I’ve never been one to have idols, but I admire anyone who knows who they are and has the confidence to express themselves through how they dress.

Which pieces of clothing do you consider to be your evergreens? Are there any outfit components that you would never want to be seen without?
What you’ll see me in really depends on what I’m up to. At the day job it’s work jeans and button up work shirts. Around town or at the house it’s jeans, graphic tees and hoodies. Adventuring in the hills it’s jeans, a button up and my Wiseguy suspenders. Date night is the same but a little more cleaned up.

When did you start wearing suspenders?
Every year my wife and I do a themed photoshoot to celebrate our anniversary. One year we went with a lumberjack theme and I picked up some cheap suspenders to do the shoot in. I enjoyed wearing them so much that after the shoot I immediately began searching for some higher quality ones. That’s when I found Wiseguy, and now they’re the only suspenders I’ll wear.

What’s your favorite pair of Wiseguy Suspenders? And do you have a preferred way of styling and wearing them?
My favorite Wiseguy suspenders are my Black, Slim, Crazy Horse set. I wear a lot of grayscale, but these look and feel good with anything and everything. I’ll wear ‘em with a tucked flannel, a tucked dress shirt, or just a t-shirt, and usually jeans… they really do work with anything.


Any fun anecdotes about yourself which most people don’t know about you yet?
Most people that see me online don’t realize that aside from all the rugged looks and gritty vibes, I’m pretty nerdy when I’m stuck at the house. My need for adventure manifested into an interest in gaming, it keeps my free spirit from feeling too cooped up when I don’t have the opportunity for real life adventures. I even started a gaming channel last year that pulled me out of a creative burnout and now I’ve added it to my regular content creation schedule. I don’t believe anyone should ever feel like they can only be one thing, and I live by that. Be whatever you’re passionate about.

Is there anything we didn’t ask you, that you would like to share with us?
Just want to add that I wish there were more companies like Wiseguy Original. The care y’all put into making and delivering quality products is so admirable, but what strikes me even more is the care you put into people. I’ve never worked with a company that legitimately reaches out to ask how I am and how my weekend went, and shows love to my content whether they’re featured in it or not. It goes a long way and just shows where your values are… I love to see it.

Never let you down.